Join Our Affiliate Program
Transform lives by sharing the world’s best learning experience.
Earn flat 3000/- rupees commission on every student you got enrolled in our courses
How does Webbex’s affiliate program work?
Join Webbex’s affiliate program and earn Rs 3000/student. Joining is fast, easy, and free.
Choose any course to promote, using either Webbex’s custom banners or your own unique format.
Student enrolled for the course that you’re sending to Webbex.
Receive Rs. 3000 commission when student pay his/her fee.
As a Webbex affiliate, you’ll receive:
- Baseline commission Rs. 3000/- on every student you enrolled with your refernece.
- Clean, professionally-designed Coursera banners and text links to add to your site.
- Weekly affiliate newsletters.
- Access to our product merchandiser field, updated daily.
The commission is flat PKR 3000/- rupees on each sale.
You can receive commisions on all type of our courses.
You will get you commission when a student enrolled for a course and pay his/her fee.
No, you can earn oingle commission from a single user.
Simply you can multiply your commission by 5 times which is 5 x 3000= PKR 15000/- rupees and similarly if you get 50 students enrolled for a course you will get PKR 150,000/- rupess